In this lab we shall be introducing the python language and flask framework for building application servers
Just as in lab 1 follow the link below to open Fork the project then sign in.
Python, like javascript, is dynamically typed. There is no keyword for declaring or initialising variables, therefore an assignment looks just like an initialization in python.
#This is how comments are written
x = 10 #initialization
x = 23 #assignment
y #declaration
z = ( x + y)/x + (78%3_) #usual mathematical operations supported
Our primitive data types are as follows:
name = "bobby" #string
age = 12 #integer
height = 6.5 # float
hasDate = False
comp = 7j #complex
# using fstrings for interpolation
message = f'Hi my name is {name} I am {age} years old'
print(message) # ‘Hi my name is bobby I am 12 years old'
# type casting to convert types
intHeight = int(height) # 6
strHeight = str(height) # '6'
floatHeight = float(intHeight) # 6.0
ageType = type(age)
name = input("Enter name: ") # reads input
print (name) # prints output
If statements do not use () or {} instead : and indentation is used to delimit the condition and scope.
if 3 > 5:
else :
if 3 > 5: print ("more")
else : print ("less")
# elif === else if
mark = input("Enter mark: ")
mark = int(mark)
if mark > 70 :
elif mark > 60:
elif mark > 50:
else :
i = 1
while i < 10:
print("This is run when the loop condition is no longer met")
# iterating an iterable such as a list
list = ["bob", "sally", "john"]
for j in list:
# iterating between custom range an increment
for i in range(0, 10, 2):
#basic function
def add(a, b):
return a + b
def printPerson(name, age, height):
print(name, age, height)
# you can specify arguments in any order if they are named
printPerson(age=12, name='bob', height=5);
#default arguments are used when they are not given in the function call
def sayHello(fname, lname='Smith'):
print('Hello '+fname + ' ' + lname)
sayHello('Bill', 'Young');
# functions can return multiple values
Lists are your arrays in python, they can include elements of different data types.
list = ['item1', 'item2', 'item3']
list2 = [12, 33, 45, 58, 23]
# negative indexing can access elements starting from the end
# select a subset of a list
# gets the length of a list
#add items to list
#remove item from list
item4 = list.pop()
#copy list
list3 = list2.copy()
# list comprehension, lets you create new lists from existing lists
num = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]
doubled = [n*2 for n in num]
print(doubled) # [ 2, 4, 6, 8]
odd = [ n for n in num if n%2 == 1]
print(odd) # [ 1, 3]
# unpacking a list, lets you create variables from items in the list
num = [ 1, 2, 3, 4]
[first, second, *rest] = num
# joining lists
num2 = [5, 6]
num3 = num + num2
print(num3) # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
# copying lists
num4 = num2.copy()
Tuples are collections that are ordered and unchangeable, because of this they are faster than lists.
thistuple = ("apple", "banana", "cherry", "apple", "cherry")
print(thistuple); # ('apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'apple', 'cherry')
print(thistuple[0); # ‘apple'
Sets are collections that do not allow duplicates, they are useful for algorithms that need to keep track of unique occurrences.
data = [ 20, 3, 20, 42, 2, 3, 10, 32, 2]
myset = {0, 1}
for num in data:
print(myset)# {0, 1, 2, 3, 32, 42, 10, 20}
num_unique = len(myset)
There's also a number of useful methods available on sets such as issubset(), intersection() and difference().
Dictionaries are the python equivalent of Javascript's object literals. They are simply key value pairs and work
mydict = {
"age": 34
# assessing a key
# adding a new key and value
mydict['height'] = 7
# iterating keys
for key in mydict:
# iterating values
for key in mydict:
# check for a key
if 'weight' in mydict:
print('no weight property!')
Classes allow us to specify a blueprint for creating instances/objects with state and behaviour in the form of properties and methods.
They differ from dictionaries in that they can exhibit OOP such as inheritance and polymorphism. We use the "." to access an objects' properties while we use [] to access the values of a dictionary for a given key.
#Parent class
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, height, weight): = name;
self.height = height;
self.weight = weight;
def sayHello(self):
print("Hello! I'm a person, my name is",
# Child class inherits from Person
class Student(Person):
# super is the reference to the parent class Person so
# we call Person's constructor here to set the Person
# properties of the student instance
def __init__(self, stid, name, height, weight):
super().__init__(name, height, weight)
self.stid = stid
# override method of parent
def sayHello(self):
print("Hello! I'm a student, my name is",
bob = Person('bob', 12, 34)
sally = Student(123, 'sally', 7, 34)
Flask is a backend framework for creating application servers in python. As was discussed in the lecture, application servers are just programs which sit on the network, receive requests on a set of specific urls and return http responses.
Flask allows us to write routes which are just functions that are executed based on the url of the requests it receives.
Just follow the instructions above please.
For this lab we will implement routes that facilitate GET requests. This means these routes only allow clients to get data as opposed to sending, deleting or updating.
Update with the following
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
import json
app = Flask(__name__)
global data
# read data from file and store in global variable data
with open('data.json') as f:
data = json.load(f)
def hello_world():
return 'Hello, World!' # return 'Hello World' in response
def get_students():
return jsonify(data)# return student data in response'', port=8080)
Restart/Run the application and open a separate browser tab to https://
you should see the data of the server's response.
If you point your browser to chrome://extensions
you can enable the JSON View which will pretty print the data.
We can configure our routes to treat part of the url path as variables to take as input into the logic of the function. We usually do this to specify an id in our url some examples:
Note the anchor is only available in the browser, it will not be sent to the server side environment.
with the following route to receive a student id in the url so that we can return data for only one student.
# route variables
def get_student(id):
for student in data:
if student['id'] == id: # filter out the students without the specified id
return jsonify(student)
View the result by navigating to https://
For more advanced querying such as ranged queries, searching and filtering we use query parameters as input on the url. It is typical to design query parameters as optional such that there is a fallback response if none are supplied by the user.
Most backend frameworks provide an abstraction for accessing the http request as well as providing an http response. In flask we use the Request and Response objects respectively.
Update the get_students
function in
to allow a query parameter ‘pref' that filters the dataset by a specified meal preference.
def get_students():
result = []
pref = request.args.get('pref') # get the parameter from url
if pref:
for student in data: # iterate dataset
if student['pref'] == pref: # select only the students with a given meal preference
result.append(student) # add match student to the result
return jsonify(result) # return filtered set if parameter is supplied
return jsonify(data) # return entire dataset if no parameter supplied
Now point the browser to https://
You should see only the students with the chicken meal preference.
Congratulations you have just built your first application server with flask! In the next lab we shall explore modelling, handling and storing long term data.
Create a route /stats which returns a count of the various meal preferences and programmes in the data set eg.
Create a routes; /add/a/b, /subtract/a/b, multiply/a/b and divide/a/b that takes in 2 route parameters a and b and returns the result of the calculation.
References & Additional Reading